Meeting of Minister of Foreign Affairs with Head of Representation of the UN Сhildren’s Fund

27.08.2014 16:46

On 27 August, 2014, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Mr. Sirojidin Aslov has received Ms. Laylee Moshiri, Representative of the UN Children’s Fund in the Republic of Tajikistan on the occasion of completion of her mission in the country.

During the meeting Ms. Laylee Moshiri has briefed the Minister on achievements of the UN Children’s Fund in the Republic of Tajikistan and its future activity.

In his turn the Foreign Minister has thanked Ms. Moshiri for her contribution, as well as the support of UN Children’s Fund to the Government of the country in ensuring protection and assistance to children in Tajikistan and wished her success in future activities.

Meeting of Minister of Foreign Affairs with Head of Representation of the UN Сhildren’s Fund

