Dushanbe Declaration of the Heads of SCO Member States

12.09.2014 17:54

Unofficial translation

The heads of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (hereinafter referred to as "SCO" or "Organisation") Member States as the result of SCO Heads of States Council Meeting held in Dushanbe on September 11-12, 2014 state the following:

1. Modern world is going through a difficult transition period characterized by the transformation of entire system of international relations in the emerging multi-polar world, growing factors of uncertainty and instability in world economy and politics, increasing threats to regional and international security.

In these circumstances, Member States reaffirm their commitment to further strengthening the legal basis of international relations in accordance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law, in particular enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, advocate respect for independent selection of peoples of all countries for their political and socio-economic development. They emphasize that the principles of the mutual respect for sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity of states, equality of rights, mutual advantage, non-intervention in internal affairs, non-applications of force or threat by force are the basis of the steady development of international relations.

They stress that the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity of States, equality, mutual benefit and non-interference in internal affairs, non-use of force or the threat of force are the Foundation of sustainable development of international relations. They firmly believe that countering such global threats and challenges of modern day, such as terrorism, separatism, extremism, illegal trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, transnational organized crime, cyber threats, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, man-made and environmental disasters, threats posed by the spread of infectious diseases, as well as the implications of global climate change, is possible only through close cooperation among all states, international organizations and fora.

2. Member States reaffirm their commitment to the strengthening of central coordinating role of the United Nations in international relations in order to maintain world peace and security, promote sustainable development and intensify bilateral and multilateral cooperation on the basis of equality and partnership among states.

SCO Member States are in favour of further strengthening primary role of the UN Security Council in maintenance of international peace and security conferred on it by the Charter of the United Nations. They believe that for achieving broadest possible agreement on the reform of the UN Security Council it is necessary to continue consultations to find an integrated approach to its reform, based on the long-term interests of the United Nations and ensuring of cohesion of its member countries, without creating an artificial time frame for reform and boosting options not supported by the majority of UN member countries. At the same time the importance of the expansion of the representation of the developing countries in the UN Security Council is emphasized.

3. Member States reaffirm their commitment to further ensuring regional security and stability, mutual respect, equality and trust, joint combat global threats and challenges, increased cooperation in the political, economic and humanitarian fields in order to transform the SCO space into a region of lasting peace, friendship, good-neighbourliness, prosperity and harmony.

The heads of States note with satisfaction the positive relations between the Member States of the Organization based on the Charter of SCO and the Treaty on Long-Term Good-Neighbourliness, Friendship and Cooperation, assists strengthening political trust, maintaining peace and stability, ensuring sustainable socio¬economic development, joint search for solutions to common real problems in the SCO space.

Member States reaffirm their determination to strictly follow the provisions of the Treaty with a view to further development of long-term relations of good-neighbourliness, friendship and cooperation in the areas of mutual interest, including transforming the borders with each other into the borders of everlasting peace and friendship.

In this regard, the SCO Member States attach great importance to the practical implementation of the Plan of Action for 2013-2017 on implementation of the Treaty on Long-Term Good-Neighbourliness, Friendship and Cooperation of the SCO Member States approved on September 13, 2013 in Bishkek.

4. Member States were in favour of continuation of active measures within the SCO against terrorism, separatism, extremism, illegal trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, trans-boundary organized crime and in the field of ensuring international information security. Member States express their willingness to cooperate in the fight against named threats and challenges together with interested countries, regional and international organizations and institutions both in bilateral and multilateral formats.

The heads of states are in favour of further practical cooperation of SCO Member States in countering new challenges and threats to security and welcome the work on implementation of the Shanghai Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism, the SCO Convention against Terrorism, the SCO member States' Cooperation Program in the Fight against Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism for 2013-2015, the Agreement on Cooperation between the Governments of the SCO Member States in the Fight against Crime, the Agreement between the SCO Member States on Cooperation in Combating Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and Their Precursors, the SCO Counter-Narcotics Strategy 2011-2016 and the Programme of Action for Its Implementation, as well as the Agreement between the Governments of the SCO Member States on Cooperation in the Field of Ensuring International Information Security.

Member States express their strong commitment to the preservation and enhancement of the international drug control system, based on three basic United Nations conventions, with the central coordinating role of the United Nations, confirm the status of its policy-making body in this field, i.e. the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and consistently oppose attempts to undermine this system.

In the context of the preparations for the UN General Assembly special session on drugs, scheduled for the year 2016, Member States consider it important to bring together on the basis of complex and balanced approach, principle of common and shared responsibility of States to resolve the world drug problem and call upon interested partner organizations to issue a joint statement in support of the line on preservation and enhancement of the international drug control system.

5. The SCO Member States are stepping up joint efforts for the establishment of a peaceful, secure, fair and open information space, based on the principles of respect for state sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs of other countries. They will cooperate in the field of prevention of the use of information and communication technologies to undermine the political, economic and social security and stability of the Member States, as well as universal human moral foundations of social life, will suppress the propagation of ideas of terrorism, extremism, separatism, radicalism, fascism, and chauvinism with the use of the Internet.

Member States are in favour of equal rights for all countries to control the Internet and the sovereign right of states to control it in their national segment, including providing safety.

Member States support development of universal rules, principles and norms of responsible behaviour of States in the media and consider "Rules of Conduct in the Field of Ensuring International Information Security", which has been issued on behalf of the Member States as an official document of the United Nations, as an important step in this direction.

6. In order to facilitate utilize enormous potential of good-neighborliness, to contribute to the strengthening of peace, security and stability in the region, Member States support further development of interaction and cooperation in the field of law and mutual legal assistance.

7.    Member States, emphasizing the respect for independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Afghanistan, express their support to the efforts of Afghan people for national reconciliation, peaceful restoration, and peaceful restoration of the country under Afghans leadership and by the Afghans themselves. Member States are for strengthening of the central coordinating role of the UN in international efforts for Afghan.

Member States reaffirm that they favour establishing Afghanistan as an independent, peaceful, neutral, and prosperous state.

8. Member States believe that solution to problems in the Middle East and North Africa should be achieved only by peaceful means through dialogue, with the participation of all interested parties on the basis of mutual respect of interests. They support the legitimate aspirations of the countries and peoples of the region for a better life, broad political and socio-economic rights, taking into account historical and cultural characteristics of each country.

9. Member States, supporting the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic were in favour of the settlement of the Syrian crisis exclusively through political and diplomatic means by continuation of full direct inter-Syrian dialogue, which was given start at the International Conference on Syria "Geneva-2" in Montreux on January 22, 2014, aimed at implementing the Geneva Communique of June 30, 2012 and the relevant provisions of the UN Security Council Resolution No2118. Member States welcomed the successful conclusion of the process of elimination of Syrian chemical weapons completed on time and under international supervision.

Member States are in favour of peaceful and prosperous Syria, in which all citizens, regardless of their religious and ethnic background, enjoy equal rights.

10. Member States supported the constructive negotiations between the "5+1" and Iran with the aim of developing a comprehensive agreement on the settlement of the situation around the Iranian Nuclear Program by political and diplomatic means and welcomed the "Joint Action Plan" between the Foreign Ministers of Britain, Germany, Iran, China, Russia, France, and the United States adopted in Geneva on November 24, 2013. They view such a step as an important contribution to fostering an atmosphere of trust and understanding between interested states and the region as a whole.

11. The SCO Member States consistently advocate strict observance of the provisions of Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, aimed at removing the threat of the proliferation of nuclear weapons, promoting the process of nuclear disarmament in the context of strengthening strategic stability, equal and indivisible security for all and to promote international cooperation in the peaceful use of atomic energy.

Member States welcome the joint signing of the Protocol on Security Guaranteed annexed to Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia by Britain, China, Russia, France, and the United States in New York on 6 May 2014 as an important milestone in the initiative of the countries of the region, which makes a considerable contribution to strengthening regional and international security, strengthening the global nuclear non¬proliferation regime.

Unilateral and unlimited extension by individual states or groups of states of anti-ballistic missile systems would undermine international security and strategic stability. Member States are convinced that ensuring individual security must not be achieved at the expense of the security of the other states. Related problems must be solved with the participation of all concerned states, through political and diplomatic efforts.

Member States stand for ensuring security of space activities and for its peaceful use, prevention of arms race in outer space and turning it into the sphere of armed confrontation, early commencement of negotiations on a Treaty on Prevention of Deployment of Weapons in Outer Space, threat or use of force against outer space objects, as well as for promotion of further development and implementation by the international community on transparency and confidence in outer space activities.

12. The heads of states support the speedy restoration of peace in Ukraine and continuation of the negotiating process for full resolve of crisis in that country. They welcome Protocol on the Consultations Results of Trilateral Contact Group regarding joint steps directed towards the implementation of Peaceful Plan of the President of Ukraine and initiatives of the President of Russia signed on 4 September 2014.

13. Heads of states note that at present world economy as before encounters with the numerous challenges, which have a negative effect on its steady and balanced growth. In this context conducting critical currency-financial policy, strengthening control on international capital movement, providing food and energy security, strengthening collaboration in the sphere of the economy and exchange of positive experience on solution of existing problems acquire special importance.

The heads of states are in favour of broad international cooperation in solving problems of resourcing needs of humankind without damage to the environment and public health in achieving sustainable, high-quality and inclusive economic growth, including bridging technology gap between countries by ensuring all states equal and non-discriminatory access to the benefits of economic globalization.

All these require joint effective actions of SCO Member States in the field of economic cooperation, which is an important part of ensuring the socio-economic development and stability in the SCO space. Member States consider joint efforts to create favourable conditions for intensification of trade-economic and investment activities, development of high-tech industries, modernization of various industries, realization of projects concerning the development of transport and logistics, information, communication and other infrastructures, improvement of economic competitiveness of Member States, level and quality of life of population in the SCO space as priority ones.

The heads of states noted that an important role in development of business, trade, and investment cooperation on the Organization's space belongs to interaction between business and financial communities of SCO Member States, SCO Business Council and SCO Interbank Association, including by involving the capacity of Observer States and Dialogue Partners.

The heads of states noted the importance of the work undertaken for the study of the creation of SCO Development Fund (Special Account) of and SCO Development Bank and instructed to continue efforts with a view to its early conclusion.

14. The heads of states, while praising the results of cooperation in the culture-humanitarian area, called for further development of multilateral and bilateral ties in the fields of culture, science and technology, innovations, education, health, tourism and sports, which reinforce the relations of good-neighbourliness, friendship and cooperation, spiritual rapprochement, promotion of dialogue between civilizations in the interests of peoples living in SCO space.

Member States will promote the exchange of experiences in mutually agreed areas of cooperation in the field of culture and art, including by holding various activities on bilateral and multilateral basis to introduce the developments in the field of theatre, music, performing and applied art that reflect the unique character of each of the countries.

The heads of states noted with satisfaction effectively growing cooperation in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of population and called for continuation of joint work in this direction.

15. An important step in ensuring the future development of the SCO, improving the legal framework and future expansion of the Organization is the adoption of the Order for Granting the Status of SCO Member State and revised Model Memorandum of Commitments by the Applicant State for Obtaining SCO Member State Status.

16. Member States are in favour of further intensification of cooperation with the SCO Observer States and SCO Dialogue Partners to counter new challenges and threats, strengthen cooperation in trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian fields, as well as note the importance of development of practical cooperation between Member States and Observer States.

17. The heads of states instructed the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of SCO Member States to proceed with the preparation of the SCO Development Strategy until 2025 and submit it for approval to the next meeting of the SCO Council Heads of States in prescribed order.

18. Member States attach a great importance to the 70th anniversary of the Victory over fascism in the World War II, which will be widely celebrated in SCO Member States and throughout the World in the year of 2015. The lessons of the Second World War point to, in modern conditions, the importance of showing determination by states and political leaders to prevent new tragedies with extensive loss of human life and their commitment to joint efforts to effectively meet the challenges and threats to the security of mankind.

Member States, whose people have made a decisive contribution to achieving Victory and suffered heavy losses during the World War II, will further actively oppose attempts to revive the ideology of fascism, dissemination of xenophobia and intolerance, extremism and terrorism.

19. Member States will further strengthen cooperation in a spirit of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, mutual consultations, respect for cultural diversity, desire for common development, together form an effective model of inter-state relations based on friendship, mutual assistance, and cooperation.

The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan                                               N.A. Nazarbayev

The President of the People's Republic of China                                           Xi Jiping

The President of the Kyrgyz Republic                                                          A. Sh. Atambaev

The President of the Russian Federation                                                      V.V. Putin

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan                                                   E.Rahmon

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan                                                 I. A. Karimov
Dushanbe, September 12, 2014

