Synergies among OSCE, SCO and EU in Central Asia are discussed in Vienna under Tajikistan Chairmanship

11.07.2019 18:33

A plenary meeting of the OSCE Forum for Security Co-operation has been held under the Tajikistan Chairmanship on 10 July 2019 in Vienna focusing on the synergies and cooperation among the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the European Union (EU) and the OSCE in Central Asia.

The Tajik Chairmanship has invited Mr. Vladimir Norov, the SCO Secretary-General, Mr. Peter Burian, the EU Special Representative for Central Asia and Mr. Thomas Greminger, the OSCE Secretary-General as the keynote speakers of the plenary meeting.

In his presentation, Mr. Norov, the SCO Secretary-General presented information on cooperation of the Organization’s Member States in the security field and on countering the "three forces of evil" - terrorism, extremism and separatism. He noted that since its inception the SCO has been called upon to play an important role in ensuring peace and stability in Central Asia. Mr. Norov has emphasized the importance, given by the leaders of the SCO Member States, of actions to fight the drug threat through the elaboration of a draft Concept on the Creation of the SCO Anti-Drug Centre in Dushanbe.

Mr. Burian, the EU Special Representative particularly noted the positive trend of intensive partnership between the EU and the countries of Central Asia in the recent years. He drew the attention of delegations to the provisions of the new EU Strategy on Central Asia of 17 June 2019 and the results of the 15th EU – CA ministerial meeting held on 7 July 2019 in Bishkek.

Mr. Greminger, the OSCE Secretary-General has expressed satisfaction over the positive regional dynamics and greater openness to cooperation in Central Asia, which present the new opportunities for the joint development, including by the involvement the regional organizations active in the region. He thanked Tajikistan for inclusion of the issue of cooperation and synergy among the regional organizations in the FSC Program.

The plenary meeting provided an opportunity for regional organizations, based on the provisions of Chapter VIII of the UN Charter, to exchange views on the possibilities for closer cooperation in Central Asia.



